Under Law no. 10/2000 republished under Law no. 4/2012, the Commission Against Corruption aims, within its scope of activity, at:
1Taking actions to prevent and combat crimes of corruption and related fraud crimes within the activities of the public sector and of the private sector;
2Carrying out acts of investigation or inquiry with regard to crimes of corruption and related fraud crimes committed by public servants, in compliance with the penal legislation and the penal procedure legislation, without prejudice to the powers granted by law to other bodies;
3Carrying out acts of investigation or inquiry with regard to crimes of corruption and related fraud crimes committed within the private sector, in compliance with the penal legislation and the penal procedure legislation, without prejudice to the powers granted by law to other bodies;
4Carrying out acts of investigation or inquiry with regard to crimes of corruption and related fraud crimes committed in relation to electoral registration and to the elections of members of the institutions of the Macao Special Administrative Region, in compliance with the penal legislation and the penal procedure legislation, without prejudice to the powers granted by law to other bodies;
5Performing ombudsman activities by promoting the protection of the rights, freedoms, safeguards and legitimate interests of the individuals, and ensuring the legality in the exercise of public authority, as well as justice and efficiency in the public administration, through the means referred to under the law and other informal means.